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Antiqunette J. Dow, LEI




I am the owner of The Penthouse Spa & Wellness Center and The Penthouse Spa Luxury Rentals! I am the Founder of Lilies of the Nile Nonprofit Organization Veganism 🌱 is my lifestyle Meditation πŸ§˜πŸ½β€β™€οΈ is my go to I’m gifted. I see. I hear. I feel. I know. ✨🀍 #ClairEVERTHING πŸ•― I am light and dark. I am balanced. I am JUSTICE. I play sing bowls and I make tracks. I am a Goddess. I am a creator. I am a speaker. I am a leader. I am a teacher. I am everything. I am connected directly to Source. I love to network and I seize all opportunities. I love to learn. Follow me, I follow back. πŸ“ Columbia, SC TicToc: AnnunakiGoddess