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Monique Lisa Johnson




🏆 45 time nominated playwright 🥇26 time award winning writer 🎭 Sold-out Apollo Theatre 5 times! 💰Raised $50k in 8 wks Hip Hop artist from 80’s - Was in Krush Groove, BEAT STREET and Graffiti Rock with Run DMC and Rush Management. New Instagram: @themoniquelisa_brandstory/ 📚WRITERS WORKSHOP 📚 ✅How to sell more books on social media 📚 Mini Book Bundle Parts 1-3-$597 Ask about scholarships Affiliate program for Book Clubs leader 💰PayPal : [email protected] 💰Zelle: [email protected] First to coin the phrase on Clubhouse “THE MIC IS YOURS” January 1st, 2021 since then I go into rooms others have frequented with me and hear the phrase. “YOUR WELCOME” 🇯🇲 COO of the House of Creativity Club Rooms: 🍋 The Lemonade Stand 6-7am EST M-F 🍏 House of Creativity Live 8-10am EST Mon-Fri 🎭 Wednesday’s - Let’s Write Creatively 4:10pm - 5pm EST 👩🏽‍💻 Women Entrepreneurs Advocate Film 🎥 maker Playwright 🖤 ✍🏽 Author AUTHORED BOOKS: 📚Best online bookstore for entrepreneurs 📚”52 Writing Tips Lean Mean Content Machine” 📚 “Easy Way To Write Your First eBook” Courses: 💻”Extreme Killer 3D writing Course” Zelle: [email protected] PayPal: [email protected] Contact: [email protected]
