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Lynn George




Welcome new connections! Here’s a little about me: I’m a wife, mom, GiGi, dreamer and one of the biggest action takers you will ever meet 🙌🏾 After my mom’s diagnosis of kidney failure in 2015, work took on a whole new meaning. As a new caretaker now, flexibility became increasingly important. Work went from something I needed to do to contribute to the household to working meaningfully, with a higher sense of purpose. This was the beginning of a mindset shift from employee to entrepreneurial. In case you’re wondering what entrepreneurial means, here’s a definition: Entrepreneurial means knowing your industry inside out, and being able to leverage that knowledge to create new opportunities. I no longer wanted to trade time for money. Instead, I wanted flexibility, control of my time, and freedom to choose and design how I work and get paid in the process. After working on my personal LinkedIn profile, new opportunities found me and they continue to find their way into my inbox. If you have more than 10 years experience in your field, you have over 10,000 hours in your area of expertise. (See Malcolm Gladwell book, Outliers) That alone is enough for you to establish a brand that attracts new opportunities. There comes a time where you will re-evaluate work and you want to know how can I work with a. More meaning b. Flexibility to design work that works for me and c. Get paid in the process. If you’re there and you want to learn more about leveraging your expertise by creating a brand that attracts opportunities? Profession: Professional Speaker/ Executive Career Coach/ Diversity and Inclusion Facilitator Click the link below 👇🏾