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Brandy B




❤️I trust that everything comes at the right time, in the most perfect way. No matter how it feels in the moment.❤️ ⭐️Top 1% Seller on Etsy⭐️ 🔥6 Figure Business 💁🏻‍♀️About Me Dallas-ish, TX 🏡🇺🇸 Small Business Entrepreneur 😎 BoyMom 👬🏼 Coffee Addict☕️ HipHop Dancer 💃🏻 Empath and Intuitive✌🏼 🌞♓️ 🌚♍️ ☝🏼♌️ Descendant of an Accused Witch🧙🏼‍♀️ OCR racer 🏃🏽‍♀️ Dreamer 💁🏻‍♀️ West Nile Virus-Neuroinvasive Survivor🌟 🔥New Year Minset🔥 “Do not fear failure, but be terrified of regret.”