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Kelvin C. Brooks




Bishop. Speaker. Educator. Author. Criminal Investigator. Civil Mediator. Notary. Notary Signing Agent. Social Justice Advocate. Future Lawyer ⚖️ ... then Judge. 👨🏽‍⚖️ Husband of ONE wife & father of THREE. 📍New Jersey (Exit 6 🙄🤣) J.D. ⏳...coming soon... M.A. Law (Criminal Justice Major) ✅ M.A. Theology (Church History Major)✅ B.A. Criminal Justice ✅ A.A. Criminal Justice ✅ Published Works: “Munchausen by Pastor: Redefining Spiritual Paternity.” “Clothed in Humility” “Bloody Shepherds, Wounded Sheep” (Coming Soon) “Unboxing Me” (Coming Soon)