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Yvette McGill




She is a faithful child of GOD who is NOT ashamed of her walk. She is here for no other reason than to DISRUPT the narrative. She is the CEO of Malachi Management LLC ( Malachi means Making A Leap At Changing HIstory) in which 3 businesses successfully function. She teaches Anger Control(over 13 years of experience), Theft, Parenting and Domestic Violence classes under Malachi Management. She is owner and operator of Our2Scents with her husband. They offer perfume/cologne and air fresheners. Last but not least is the #theEXCHANGE this business consist of her being an author, influencer and motivational speaker. She has written 6 books, Boss’d up on Purpose, #theEXCHANGE, It’s not that easy, stop telling me to get over it, Soulful Prayers, Soulful Affirmations and #theEXCHANGEcontinues. $theexchange68