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Buzz Wood




edTech Pioneer & Innovator Host of “the BUZZ on Education” ⏳30+ years in edTech 📱Professional Technology Trainer 🎙Podcast Mentor 📹Video & Audio Coach 💡Ideation Leader 🎙Better Sound Starts Here... Check out my audio suggestions for sounding your best on Clubhouse... <> 🚀 I launched “the BUZZ on Education” (TBOE) to bring ideas, innovation, and inspiration to educators. 📡Since the launch of “TBOE” I spend a fair amount of time coaching and mentoring educators on best practices to create 🎙Podcasts and 📹Video Podcasts to effectively reach their students or colleagues. 🎧 Upcoming Broadcasts 📣 > “shiftED”- The best remote learning practices from actual educators who have succeed in shifting their pedagogy. > “illuminators”- Stories about those individuals who are quietly moving the needle hugely in education. 🌐