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Angela Thompson




I'm an entrepreneurship coach, author, and speaker who teaches regular people with regular amounts of money how to build wealth through foreclosures and tax deed sales. I also teach successful entrepreneurs how to become successful serial entrepreneurs. Why am I qualified to do this? Because I've done it all myself. I started out by building my own real estate asset management company from scratch into a multi-million dollar company. Because I had become an expert in foreclosure and tax deed sales, I wrote a book about it, which is now available on Amazon. With foreclosures often needing rehabbing prior to sale, I learned how to properly rehab and flip houses, and established a company doing that. I started documenting my amazing house transformations on YouTube - and the process doesn't look like what you see on so many house flipping shows. I'd love to share more of the real process in a television show format. Along the way, I've become an expert in business development, women and leadership, and women in the workplace as well as a podcaster and music producer. Learn more about all my projects in the rest of my profile. My coaching and mentoring is focused on helping companies achieve optimal business growth so their owners can diversify into new projects. Want to talk? For press inquiries or to book an engagement, call 202-656-9819 or email [email protected].