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Terri Sherman




• Owner: Terri D. Sherman, PA | 📍FL • Business Intermediary with Broker: Florida Business Exchange, Inc. helping people buy businesses, sell businesses, and mind their businesses • Educating people on how and why business acquisition is a viable pathway to entrepreneurship, business ownership, and/or scaling ✨ Business Valuations ✨ Exit Strategies ✨ Business Sales ✨ Business Consulting ✨ Buyer Searches • Memberships: -International Business Brokers Association -Business Brokers of Florida -Women’s Food Alliance (Advisory Council Member) • Once upon a time, I worked with DJs, Rappers, and Producers 💻 📧 [email protected] 💰 $Terrishrmn 📌 Florida business owners/entrepreneurs: join the CH group “Florida Small Business Owners”! 📌 If you’ve found something I’ve shared valuable, please tag @mindyourbusinessfl on IG—referrals are greatly appreciated!