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Terri Reynolds




Empowering women to make the rest of their life, the best of their life. The catalyst coach to unblock and flip limiting belief systems ❤️ I Help Women Take the First Steps to Living a Life They Desire 😊 Step by Step Frameworks To A Happier Life ❤️ What worked for me will work for you About me: Over 30 years NHS experience, mostly within the training and transformational business change arena. Coaching voluntarily through WYSE International, NGO, working with graduates who are working towards a sustainable world. I did something so scary and out of my comfort zone - I took a year out to backpack, solo, around the world, which built my confidence and gave me the courage to to make a better life for myself. What I’m into: 🏎 Formula 1 🛫travelling 📸 photography, 🌙🪐☀️astronomy, 📸🪐astrophotography (learning) 🌚Moonology 🏌️‍♀️learning golf 🏋️‍♀️🚴🏻‍♀️Lifting, cycling and exercise, helps to keep my mental health in check 📚Learning...I’m always learning I’m a people person...spirituality, health and well-being should be at the top of the agenda, for us all.
