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Rinpoche Shyalpa




Make peace more fashionable than war.— His Eminence Shyalpa Tenzin Rinpoche His Eminence Shyalpa Tenzin Rinpoche, Tibetan Lama, scholar, meditation master, and the author of popular book, Living Fully; Finding Joy in Every Breathe (now available on kindle). Rinpoche is the Visionary Founder of Universal Peace Sanctuary in Lumbini (the blessed birthplace of Lord Buddha). Rinpoche is envisioning to establish the World Peace Forum in Lumbini, Nepal similar to the world economic forum in Davos, Switzerland. Rinpoche believes that the lasting peace must be built on the foundation of unconditional loving kindness and compassion. All of you who are sincerely interested in becoming the stake holder of this Historic Project, please find detail informations by visiting; Instagram - @ UniversalPeaceSanctuary WhatsApp or Viber @ +9779851026882 Twitter - @ uPeaceSanctuary Bitclout:@universalpeacesanctuary... Bitclout:@rinpoche