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Tracy Chiles McGhee




Publishing Consultant here to help you strategically & joyfully publish & market your book so you can share the stories & messages the world needs to hear now. —- ✔️Successful, Results-Driven Publishing Consultant & Author Brand Strategist 📚 ✔️9X Literary Awards Winner🏆 ✔️Bestselling Author ✍🏾 — “Look closely at the present you are constructing; it should look like the future you are dreaming.” - Alice Walker —- Everyone has a fascinating story. I can help you get it written, published, and distributed globally. A book is a natural and great companion to whatever magic you are creating. —- Want to WORK WITH ME, CONNECT, or COLLABORATE? Reach out. Follow my Instagram page and then DM me. I want to hear from you! — 👉🏾 Founder of Clubhouse Clubs ♣️ THE AUTHOR PLATFORM ♣️ WOMANIFESTING / pronounced Woh-manifesting ♣️ Scroll to the bottom to Follow 1st 2 clubs. Let’s build a community and support each other! — Follow & DM “Value” on Instagram for Free Ebook on 30+ ways to add value on social audio-based apps and rake in growth opportunities __ 👉🏾 Schools ❤️ 🎓Georgetown U. Hoya Saxa! 🎓Catholic U. Law School —- What I believe… "We are each other's keeper in the quest to achieve healthy and joyous living, to demonstrate the full capacity of our gifts and to be instruments of love, light, and peace. This quest is made easier by the continuous recognition that we arrive fully-equipped and ready to step into our life's promise and purpose. Anything internally or externally that seeks to obliterate this recognition should be abandoned.”~ Tracy Chiles McGhee ❣️ Let’s connect, BE KIND, and make magical things happen! ✨✨