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Teddy Zee




#BeTheLight #StopAsianHate #StandWithAsians I am a believer, storyteller & bridge between tech, media & commerce; US & Asia; brands & content/talent, secular & faith. Co-founder and Chief Business of mintNFT. Producer (Oscars, Emmys & PGA member) and former studio executive (EVP Columbia & SVP Paramount) advising companies and startups interested in tapping into the power of Hollywood. Hitch, Pursuit of Happyness, Saving Face, West 32nd, Bachelor Vietnam, and Asian Excellence Awards are some projects I produced. Indecent Proposal, Charlie’s Angels, My Girl, Anaconda, Fools Rush In, and First Knight are some of the projects I developed or supervised. I currently advise companies like Vizio, Ford Models, Tapas Media, Watcha, SM Entertainment, StanWorld, Readlee, AsianBoss and PureForm Global. I am also on the board of Newbury Street Acquisition Corporation (SPAC) that began trading on the NASDAQ! Board President of Koreatown Youth & Community Center (Ktown’s largest multi services organization); supporter of Center of the Pacific Asian Families (serving victims of domestic violence and sexual assault) and member of Committee of 100 (Chinese American leaders). ✝️✝️✝️