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Teddy Slavcheva




🔹 Co-founder of Sooo. Sustainability Awareness and Impact. Global media on a mission to create the Sooo. Moment the moment you understand that sustainability matters and your actions can make a difference. 🔹Co-founder InnoP As - Circular and Sustainable. Developing products from recycled materials with the use of latest technologies and smart design solutions. 🔹Women in Tech Oslo - vice leader. Non profit organization that helps and empower women in the process of entering and growth a career in tech. 🔹Nordic Women in Tech Awards2021 judge 🔹WomenTech Network Global Ambassador - Working on bringing 100 000 women in tech together 🔹 Singer and artist - first place in the Global competition for song against corruption “FairPlay”organized by the World Bank 🔹 Passion about Fashion - writer for Elle Magazine Bulgaria and experience from Paris, Milan and London Fashion weeks. Interests in AI, VR/AR and how tech can contribute to finding solutions and creating impact. Organizer and moderator of different rooms. Founder of the clubs: Sustainability leadership Sooo. Sustainability Sustainable Fashion Hub Women in Tech Oslo club If you want to learn more about any of the topics or collaborate feel free to get in touch 👋 LinkedIn: @TeddySlavcheva Email: [email protected]
