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Miriam Novalle




Tea the ancient beverage                 being the voice for three decades mindset clarity and your every day beverage that I love raising my cup and sharing my passion launched 1992 vision future of tea email us and we will share our newsletter [email protected] Matcha smoothie recipes to start your day pairing your meals with great cup of tea schooled in the east and europe let’s drink a amazing delicious organic teas to help with your recovery of a covid moment my entrepreneurial adventure started in 1973 Movie theater concert hall 400 seats organic health bar Catskills New York 1975 opened my first retail shop woodstock new york Body Sense essences oils lotions lotions sold and took a break started to help produce video’s for MTV Met Herb Albert founder of A&M went into partnership created a fragrance company Listen “ a globally sold perfume sold and took a break and moved to florence Italy to paint at lorenzo de medici came back to put my nose into the tea biz T Salon established 1992 a sustainable organic space 5,000 square feet 142 mercer soho nyc of tea Tea help create faire trade student in the NFT space learning every day Art world and NFT T Salon 11 east 20 street T Salon chelsea market T Salon mel rose and labra 2016 created cbd organic hemp line that’s sustainable organic tea blends dubbed the guru of tea by the New York Times written up Forbes Wall street Journal vogue New Yorker sold on qvc share are strength food and wine women in business women expo s restaurants show christmas expo New York gift show Reality tv show The Mentor on bloomberg news created tea programs in restaurants and airplanes and bars In 1994 First tea bars for whole foods established 2016 first cbd organic sustainable tea company 22 teas salves chocolates white label company yogini artist mother grandkids created the summer of 2020 art2❤️ covering the plywood with art of love and compassion showing national arts club cbs evening news voice of america new york magazine and next mana jersey city email [email protected] tsalonsales [email protected] facebook instagram TEST