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Taye Maat




I AM Taye Maat | I practice Afro-Wholistic wellness thru SmaiTawi, yin, meditation, and vinyasa. In the community, I teach in-studio. ☆ I have led signature wellness retreat experiences internationally. I offer 1-on-1 wellness lifestyle coaching + resources, cannabis-infused movement, and meditation. ☆ I am a 🌌Registered Yoga Teacher 200hr 💨🌱Certified Ganja Yoga Teacher 💨🌱Certified Medical Cannabis Consultant 📚Virtual book club host + organizer ☆ Ask me to speak about soulful wellness, mindfulness, and conscious-centered cannabis use. I love talking about Yoga & other forms of movement. I am interested in cannabis advocacy, education/research, and cultivation. Website| IG @tayemaat Let's connect & collaborate!