Tara Jaye Frank
Author of The Waymakers: Clearing the Path to Workplace Equity with Competence and Confidence, 05/03/22. Equity consultant helping companies get unstuck and create the workplace cultures they SAY they want. 💪🏼 WHAT I DO: Write. Speak. Train. Consult. Podcast @ #MORETHAN: A Podcast. 🤝 SAMPLE CLIENTS: Fortune 500 companies in CPG, Retail, Technology, Financial, Aerospace, Sports, Food Service, Pharma, Professional Services, Health and Media. 🙋🏽♀️ WHO I AM: (TAH-ra). Mother of 6. Wife. Paradigm Shifter. DEI Accelerator. 💨 DST. 🔺Cape Verdean 🇨🇻. SPELMAN Alumna. 💙 🙏🏼 WHAT I BELIEVE: Every human being has inherent value, creative power, and a right to equal opportunity. 👋🏼 WHY I’M HERE: To curate, connect, and collaborate, and to help your executive leadership wake up and do right by ALL people. 👉🏼 WHERE TO FIND ME: www.tarajayefrank.com; www.wearethewaymakers.com; LinkedIn.com/in/tarajayefrank 🏡 CLUB: Transforming DEI 🖤 BHM