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Tanmayo Lawson




Transformational Empowerment Coach, Gene Keys Ambassador and Co creator of The Gene Keys Guides Program, Founder of Integral Touch of Facial Harmony . , Committed to artfully collaborating with you to pierce to the core of your brilliance. Personally or professionally we get to the heart of the matter. Dissolving the blockages to relationship intimacy, breaking through imaginary glass ceilings by Cutting through the mind stuff with a direct, soft Sufi /Zen approach ! . Clear mind, clear heart is the potent elixir to activate embodied,relational presence! ! Being anchored in presence we cultivate the timeless place within you. Initiating the strength of your awareness to uncover the deepest aspects of your shadow patterning! Hidden patterns, locked away deep within your the greater aspects of an iceberg! Solid and powerful and not seen till it is too late! We reclaim and redirect all that power to fuel your unbounded potential! Speaker Presenter Several types of body and breath work Thousands of hours of Kinesiology ! Founder of Integral Touch of Facial Harmony ( The most gentle and sensitive treatment of Integral Touch that melts ancestral wounding) Studied Enneagram with Dr Claudio Naranjo S.A.T. Awareness Intensive coaching! Zen Path of Love . Three and seven day retreats with Koans and active meditation as your guides ! The real magick starts when we meet, when the mystery steps in, weaving the strands of Aeons of intuitive intelligence that unlocks in our Akashiic DNA 🙏💜 Great Scottish sense of humour (so I am told :-) ❤️💜😇😂🌺 Tanmayo Lawson on Insta 💜
