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Tanisha Bowman




💖My purpose is to encourage others and share my story.💖 💗Remind You That You Deserve It 💗I’m The BOP( Boss on Purpose) 💗BOP Push-Her 💗BOP-Blessed on Purpose 💗 Dream ManifestHER 💥From teenage mom to high school drop out to Successful Business Owner 💥The Dream ManifestHER💥 💚God First, Family & Business 💚Faith 💚WOG 💚 Prayer Warrior 🙏🏽 💚 Network Marketing Professional 💚Master Team Builder 👏🏽 💚Motivational Speaker📣 💚Top .1% In My Company 👏🏽 💚Empowerment Coach 💚Co- Author ✳️Founder of BrokeCan ( Room) ✳️CEO of Major Bling 💍 🖤Tanisha L Bowman 🖤The Dream ManifestHER “Tanisha is a keynote motivational, speaker, life coach, Co-Author, founder of BrokeCan an award winning entrepreneur who delivers high-energy keynotes presentations that challenge audiences to leverage their focus and pay attention to what matters most in their life. Tanisha’s down-to-earth humor compels audiences to laugh while they learn. She engages groups from the moment she steps in front of them. She’s loves to share her testimony and remind others that anything is possible, mindset matters and giving up is not an option. Tanisha is in the top .1 % in her organization She leads a team of over 3,000 business partners. She loves to empower, inspire, encourage and remind you to S.M.I.L.E Seriously Make Intentional Laughs Everyday Tanisha is a mother of 3 and 3 bonus kids a wife of 12 years and she has a special grandson by the name of Levi 🌟Follow me Follow me on TikTok Always remember to S.M.I.L.E Join the Facebook group and help us create smiles across the world $majorbling1