Dr.Tamika MaCheyle
Hi I am Tamika MaCheyle a Business Identity Wealth Strategist. 📍Delaware | Masters Level Counselor | Business Identity Wealth Strategist | Coach | Consultant | Author | Delta Sigma Theta, Inc.🔺1913🐘 📌Started... as a Counselor 📌Transitioned.. Family Interventionist 📌turned...Family Crisis Therapist 📌Now... Kingdom Entrepreneur helping women and mothers scale to 6 figures with digital automation. 🎤Always speaking to my next and not just my now!!! 👩🏽🏫I help women break mindset barriers and generate wealth with the gifts in their hands. ☎️They call me “ The Mindset Breaker and The Millionaire Maker” CEO... Tamika MaCheyle CO~ Digital media consulting company CEO... Girl Unplug~ helping women to disconnect from the world and connect with God, women and all things outside their comfort zone. CEO... Mom Unplug~ Subscription Box delivers mom a Self-care box to recharge. CEO/Executive Director... Code R E D ( Restructure Education Development) Agency ~ Nonprofit Organization Who am I I am the woman with purpose in my right eye and passion in my left. Walk that walk girl Shout and praise hunny Who am I ? Who am I? I am the woman who prays for a strategy Pause for clarity and pushes to reach the next level victories Cash App-$TamikaMaCheyleCO Contact me: Email:[email protected]