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Tami Alecsa Kesselman




💰🌿 CH Mod: Prosperity & Legacy Club 🎤🌎🎙 Intl Speaker on Impact Investing 💴🌿🌎 Intergen Family Office coach 🔐🚀 ‘Success Strategist for Successful People’ 🎯 Wealth holders hire me when their professional & personal goals are out of alignment 💸🥰🧩 Combining my Bain consulting, Tony Robbins coaching & PR backgrounds enables me to serve UHNW clients in ways other coaches can’t, with alchemy of melding different approaches helping clients successfully align business success, core values, inner happiness, & impact in the world 👏 EXPERT SPEAKER-IMPACT & RESULTS ❌ TEDx Emcee (UNPlaza, Concordia, DuPontCircle) 🎤🎙Guest Lecturer incl Harvard, Oxford, MIT, United Nations & family office conferences): ✔️ Goal Attainment ✔️ How to be Successful AND Happy ✔️ UN SDGs / Sustainability ✔️ Improving Impact Due Diligence & Eliminating Unintended Consequences 🚀💰❤️ RESULTS COACH ☯️ Background that serves my clients well: 🎓 Masters in strategy from Harvard 📈 Bain consultant 📈 Dir, Strat Planning for American Express 🔥 Tony Robbins highest level coach certification ✨Publicist for high profile clients in transition 🌿 Thought Leader/Lecturer on Impact 🎙 PODCAST (launch 2023) 🌎✨Alpha Girl (in a) Beta World✨🌍 ‘Perform Above the Norm in a World of Risk & Opportunity’ Deep dive discussions with thought leaders as they share their biggest successes, failures & ideas for better aligning capital to solve larger societal issues. HIRE ME FOR Individual: ☀️ Life Coach - Transform ‘Success’ into Happiness / Achievement into Fulfillment ☯️ Wealth Pivot Strategies 1:1 VIP Day Organization: 📈 Board Advisory & Masterminds for aligning financial & impact results Free January workshop to accelerate your success in 2023! 🎯 Spend 30 min w me during my Clubhouse office hours and I’ll identify blind spots sabotaging your impact & implementable solutions for better alignment with your values & goals. FOR PARENTS W HIGH SCHOOL SENIORS 🎓 Every year I accept 2-3 clients who were deferred or waitlisted for Ivy League schools to coach them to convert from deferral to admission: 🎤Available for speaking engagements, interviews & podcasts 📲