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Tamar Burton




👩‍🎓EdTech Co-founder, Researcher, Speaker. Business Strategist. 🧠Seeking collaboration: NSF research, Future of Work, Skills Gap, CTE, Edtech, instructional design, learner-centered, lifelong learning, neurodiversity. 📍Miami . NYC . San Francisco 🇺🇸 Study & Work Abroad - Ireland, England, Morocco _____________________________________ 🎯Spearhead strategic alliances with leaders at educational institutions, policymakers, business, NGOs, and workforce intermediaries to improve the pathway from education to employment. Passionate About: 🔅 Future Tech, STEM, STEAM, 🔅 Jobs of the Future, Skills Gap, SDGs 🔅 AR/VR, Conversational AI, NLP, 🔅 CTE, OJT, Apprenticeship, Mentorship 🔅 Sustainability, Climate, Clean Tech 🔅 Critical Thinking, Behavior Change _____________________________________ 🗣Speaking: ✳️ Wednesday at 1PM EDT ✏️Education Revolutionaries Mod & Founding Team _____________________________________ ✨ ✨ ✨ ✨ ✨ ✨ 💠 Co-founder & CXO Edtech startup, web-app Tradepal, Inc., Connect learners with peer tutors, office hours, career mentors. (*NSF PH1) 💠 NSF researcher, SBIR grant recipient 2019-20 💠 Surveyed +400 higher ed leaders, student tutors, and learning centers 💠 Co-founder of college sustainability mobile app integrated with a CO2 savings calculator to spur behavior change 💠 Co-Presenter UNCCC COP22 and COY12 Marrakech, Morocco 💠 Interviewed +700, 2- and 4-year US and Moroccan college students 💠 CGI Commitment to Action focused on College Sustainability ♻️ with 100 colleges 💠 Engaged +600 sustainability directors at U.S. higher ed institutions; Campus Sustainability Day partnerships w USGBC, Second Nature, ACUPCC, HEASC 💠 Judge Inaugural HackingEDU 3-day Hackathon 💠 Speaker, EDUC8 Global Educ Conf —————————————————— Tamar (Tah-mar) ENTJ 🦂 LatinX _____________________________________ 📚Miami ESE/VE teacher 📓developed DCPS HIV-AIDS Awareness k12 curriculum 🖥 instructional design 🎤public speaker, PR specialist, PM 💡Entrepreneur, YC W2018 🔬NSF Grantee 🏇BHS AI 👩‍🎓B.A. Finance 👩‍🎓M.S. Exceptional Student Education _____________________________________