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Tabitha Lucas




English Educator I teach 🇺🇸 English online. I’ve taught in 🇧🇷 Brazil for over 10 years. (Fluente em português também) American living in Goiás, Brazil Originally from Baltimore, Maryland 🦀 UMBC alumna I’m teaching online and happier than ever. I’m spending more time with my family. I appreciate my current students for being amazingly understanding. I’m raising my young bilingual kids with my husband .This pandemic has forced us to reevaluate our lives, realize our time together was severely taken for granted before, and now we are enjoying the moments we have together, no matter how simple they are now. Clubhouse has been the best online experience. My friends here are incredible and I will never understand the magic that happens here, but I don’t take it for granted. Reach out and thank the ones that touch your soul, it may seem small, but it truly inspires and makes a difference. Thank you for every ping!!