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šŸ’œšŸ–¤Advocate He said: When Iā€™m done with you, youā€™ll be working the street corner. She said: I got this, donā€™t lose your seat at the bar. Sweet Corner Girl was started as a nonprofit to bring awareness to domestic abuse based on research of the affects of domestic violence in the judicial system. There is often no assistance or funding to help escape from psychological, emotional, verbal, social, and financial abuse although these are recognized as factors relating to domestic violence. It often takes 8-13 times to leave domestic violence and it is often because there are no funds to help leave - unless physically assaulted or threatened with physical assault or death. Change needs to happen in the system for this to end. Please join SweetCornerGirl to end domestic abuse. Certified Paralegal (NALA); Bachelorā€™s in Criminal Justice with focus on Domestic Violence and Victimization. Endless curiosity of intellectual points of view on social issues, especially all types of victimization, mental health and judicial abuse. Expert in the survival of domestic abuse. Special talents - Can walk backwards in high heels on eggshells with baby on hip, always keeping the rhythm of the beat.
