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Anjali Bhimani




🏆Multiple award-winning stage, screen, and video game actress🏆 In the cast of the upcoming MS. MARVEL on Disney+ ✨Here to help people live fuller lives by sharing my experiences onstage, onscreen and in life! ✨ 💥Host/Author of I Am Fun Size, And So Are YOU! - check the store at: OR 📺 Over 70 TV/Film appearances including: Nina Patel on Modern Family Joya in Alex INC. Agent Benson on S.W.A.T. Grace and Frankie, Crazy-Ex Girlfriend, Marvel’s Runaways, NCIS, The Sopranos, Law and Order: SVU, and many more 🎥 💎 SYMMETRA in OVERWATCH 🎮RAMPART in APEX LEGENDS ☠️NISHA in FALLOUT 4: NUKA WORLD 🧟‍♀️ MIRIAM in UNDEADWOOD 🎭 Original Cast Member of METAMORPHOSES and BOMBAY DREAMS on Broadway 🎭 💃🏾Host of I Am Fun Size on YouTube Interested in my upcoming book or have a question for I Am Fun Size? Email at [email protected]! Manager: Caleigh Vancata at Schiowitz Artists Management Agent (Voiceover): CESD Talent For appearances and speaking engagements: [email protected]