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Susan Nicholas




Consciously transforming minds, hearts, and souls. Awakening Humanity to Consciousness * 🎥 Creator of - A Conscious Media Company * 📖Founder of the Human Consciousness Consortium Publishing & Broadcasting * ✒️ Six-time Author * 🎙Host of the Be Conscious Podcast * 🎤International Speaker * TEDx Presenter: Money Consciousness * Life Transformation Guide & Quantum Energy Healer Clubhouse Host of the “Money Consciousness Broadcast ” Wednesdays at 10:00 am ET. Women’s Empowerment, Life Transformation, and Money Consciousness My works speak to the universal message to awaken humanity to consciousness. TEDx Presenter 💵Money Consciousness: Overcoming Generational Poverty Join the global conscious movement here on CH and by visiting 🗝Breakthrough Money blocks. Experience the continuum of wealth. 📽Featured in Yahoo! Finance, SWAAY Media, Huffington Post, Conscious Life Journal, Authority Magazine, Associated Press (AP), Thrive Global, The Native Influence, TEDx, Fox News, and NBC 8: “Ask the Doctor” 📚Author of The Duality Of Being: Perspectives from Multidimensional Travel; Two Parts of Me: I Am More Than My Body; The Death Of Cupcake: A Child’s Experience With Loss. Available at Barnes & Noble and DM me on IG or 📞 1-833-300-9990 Business and Medical Professionals who despite reaching the height of their worldly successes, feel soulfully unfulfilled. Work with me to discover your true passion and to heal what ails the soul. Former surgeon. Social Impact entrepreneur, mother, 🥐organic baker. I love nature, swimming, Indian food, Thai food, and 🌍 world travel. Consciously AWAKE. I love getting lost in the expanding universe. In gratitude, Venmo @ Susan-Nicholas-5 Ca$h App @ $snicholas007