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Wendy Dean




πŸ™Œ Welcome to my Shitshow! 😜 πŸ’ž Triple Negative Breast Cancer Survivor 3x in 3yrs 🧠 Mental Health Advocate πŸ’ͺ The Survivor Storyteller πŸ‡¦πŸ‡Ί Wake Up, Get Up! πŸ‘‰ Cancer was a part my life - not all of my life πŸ—£ Speak from my Scars, not my Wounds _________________________________ Always up for: 🎀| Speaking at Events/Conferences ✍🏻| Contribute to Publications πŸŽ™| Podcast Guest _________________________________ 😏 Chronic unapologetic over-sharer with a colorful vernacular 🌿 Inspiring & motivating others by keeping it real. 😎✌️ β™₯️ Music & Theatre feed my Soul ✈️ Lover of travel πŸ‘©β€πŸ‘§β€πŸ‘¦ Mum of 2 amazing humans ✌️ RAAF Veteran✌️ πŸ™Œ Motto - DBAD - Don’t Be A Dick Passionate about maintaining & monitoring your Mental Health. I believe it is the difference to how YOU come out the other side of any life changing experience πŸ’ž Australian Support Lines 🧠 🧠 🌟 🌟