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Sudie Alexander




Pickleball 🏓 Ambassador | Course Creator | Pro Writer | Listener 🎤 Founder and Host of XPickleball 🏓 Every *Monday* 7:50 pm 🎙Online course | Three Pinnacles of Persuasion Interests: marketing, storytelling, 🏓 Pickleball, exploring ⛺️ the outdoors with family, yoga, meditation, ravenous reader, and persuasive writing Pickleball tournament director, freelance sports writer, and sports marketer. Passionate about fitness. Love promoting Pickleball, the fastest growing sport in America. Retired nonprofit strategist. Open to... > speaking 🎤 engagements 💫 > 🎙podcast guest 🎧 > 🏓 Pickleball 🏅tournaments You can find me around the 🔥bonfire. Love my Solo Bonfire! 🌲Camping and the 🏕 great outdoors are the perfect remedy for whatever ails you. 🇺🇸