Eva Fernandez
What I do: 🌸Work 1:1 or in groups as a Career & Higher Ed Success Coach 💗Help to optimize LinkedIn, create your resume with ATS, cover letters, research companies, conduct job searches, and help prepare you to win the job! 🌸Co-Mod for LinkedIn Network on Clubhouse : • Stop Ignoring your LinkedIn •. Networking for Your Cause 🌸Assist nonprofits with recruitment and outreach, volunteers or serving on boards 🌸Empower others, by focusing on strengths, providing resources and teaching tools for success 🌸Occasionally podcast: Career Hacks: Tips, Tricks & Triumphs 🌸Group Facilitator & Trainer About me: 🗣My name is pronounced Eh-vuh (short ‘e’ ) like Evan, elephant or Emma. 🎓BA Sociology, MSW Social Work, Licensed Social Worker, Nonprofit Management Certification 📚Backgroud in nonprofits, higher ed, corporate companies & career coaching ❤️Love helping the nonprofits succeed, helping First Gen kids graduate from college, learning about personal development & how to make a difference in the world and in my own development. 🙏🏼Failed more times than I can count, but will never stop trying to reach my personal & professional goals. 💎Top 5 Strengths: Strategic, Connectedness, Individualizations, Activator & Belief ♋️ ENFJ Ambivert Entrepreneur 😎Gen X, middle child, Latina Mom working on my Espanol. 🦄Advocate for mentoring, poverty, homelessness, mental health & social justice issues Feel free to ping or invite me to co-mod me on any of my interests: 🌸LinkedIn, networking & personal branding 🌸 Career coaching, bad boss or toxic workplace, struggles & transitions 🌸 Job search or job interview prep 🌸 Nonprofits, volunteerism & social work 🌸 Mental health 🌸 Small Biz owners & leadership 🌸 Latinas & people of color 🌸 Parenting, divorce & co-parenting 🌸 Confidence, motivation & growth 🌸 Teens Adulting, College kids 🌸 Higher Ed & Public Ed system 🌸Connect with me: LinkedIn.com/in/eva-fernandez-successcoachsa/ 🌸Need help? Sign up on calendy or send me a DM. https://calendly.com/compassionateconsulting16/15min?month=2021-04 🌸CH, IG & Twitter, Venmo and Cash app: @successcoachsa 🌸To see my upcoming rooms in the clubhouse: https://www.yoyo.club/mod/eva-fernandez/ 🌸To join my LinkedIn Network Club: https://www.joinclubhouse.com/club/linkedin-network 🌸 Any tips received will go directly to assist individuals unable to afford my services with a sliding scale. 🙏🏼 📍San Antonio, TX