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Steve Bivans




Author, Gourmet Popcorn-er, Zen-Daoist dabbler, Viking Historian Axe-thrower, BBQ-er, Dwarvy-Hobbit who’s too tall for both. F@&k Fear Itself Fear Itself IS the only problem. Compassion is the only cure. Black Lives Matter! Co-Founder of FearLess YOUniversity which may come to life on CH, finally I write Historical fiction, nonfiction, and whatever the hell comes to me. Books: 📚The End of Fear Itself 📚Be a Hobbit, Save the Earth 📚Vikings, War and the Fall of the Carolingians 📚Anno Draconis: (historical fiction Viking series) 📚A Ghost of an Idea: Dickens, Daniel DeFoe, and the Supernatural Origin of A Christmas Carol Loves kitties, puppies, BBQ, bourbon, beer, and other Bs. From the South, lives in St Paul, MN, where I run a gourmet popcorn company with my partner. Payshee’s Popcorn. Love to talk about anything. Especially the nature of reality, fear, compassion, food, popcorn, writing, gardening, history