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Stevaughn J. Bush




Howard Law Grad ⚖️ Managing Partner of The Law Office of Stevaughn J. Bush, Esq. ( 🇭🇳🟡⚪️⚫️ Probate court is WORSE than the IRS—you need an Legacy Plan to protect your money from taxes and creditors!” ⚖️ I specialize in helping Entrepreneurs achieve Generational Wealth for themselves & their kids 🏦. ⚖️ I counsel Entrepreneurs through the 3 phases of Generational Wealth: (1) the wealth accumulation phase, (2)the retirement security phase, and (3)the safe transfer of assets. ⚖️ I help Entrepreneurs develop legal strategies to help keep their money safe for their children and loved ones during COVID-19 and beyond by using: * Trusts * Wills * Business structures, such as Family LLC’s * Devices that make your Life Insurance policies work better If you have a business plan for your business, but you don’t have a “business plan” for your assets, then you’re preparing your family for failure 💯