Steph Lagana
Former National Security Staffer ➡️ Coach, Speaker and Advisor 🐝 I help business owners get more of what they want with ease and speed using my soulful business framework. Curious? Snag my freebie on Instagram. 🔱 I also work with larger companies who need consulting advice from a whole person perspective (ahem, not the profit margin only advice from days of yore). ✌🏼I’ve been told I have: A gift for cutting through the noise Eerily accurate hunches Spiritual X-ray vision An eloquence to my F 💣s 👀 Get my attention with: the big work calling you | Conscious Capitalism | Sci Fi and Star Trek 🖖🏼 | Universal Basic Income ✨ | Travel Stories (from the before times) and Travel Plans (for whenever it’s safer) | The future of work | Afghanistan deployment stories 📍Northern Virginia/Manahoac land