Steph Luck Luck




Just a human behaving like a human. 🙏 I love to joke around and laugh, but I always enjoy deep convos with other humans. 😊🤪 I aspire to be a tree when I grow up! (100% serious about that life goal) Let’s vibe high and laugh as we do it. 🌏Evolutionary Psychologist 👁Certified Hypnotherapist ♓️ Fish missing her saltwater 🪖 USMC Veteran 🤓 Rogue Nerd 🌳 Lifelong Grace & Harmony Seeker 😂 Laughter Enthusiastic 🤰🏼Human Creator Tiktok: @toughluck4u My office? You asked?…. I’ll be outside barefoot in my gardens! “Trauma creates change you don’t choose, healing is about creating change you choose!” “Change is inevitable, GROWTH is Intentional!” WAKE UP, KICK ASS, REPEAT!! 😊 If a flower doesn’t grow when you plant it, it’s not the flower that needs to change; it’s the environment that has to change in order for it to grow! 🙏🥰
