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Stephanie A. Wynn




Host of the of the International Business 🎙Podcast Let’s Talk Business with Stephanie A. Wynn™️, Business Development Coach, who assist aspiring and emerging authorpreneurs and entrepreneurs with: 📍Branding & Marketing 📍Business Development 📍Business Coaching I teach aspiring and emerging authors how to brand and market themselves without the overwhelm. And turn their book 📚 into a business so that they are able to reach their full income 💰 potential. ✳️Being An Author Is Truly A Business✳️ Founder of Stephanie A. Wynn Foundation a nonprofit organization🎗 that is dedicated to improving the health and wellness of economically disenfranchised Black Women living with chronic Inflammatory Bowel Disease. 📲 Signup for the I've Published My Business Now, What? Author Workshop Series™️-(December) select the author workshop tab! @STEPHANIEAWYNN.COM You’ll learn the essential tools and resources needed to be successful beyond publishing. Early 🐦 tickets on sale now select the author workshop tab! How To Build An Author Brand- 5 Day Challenge Starts 12/1/2021-12/5/2021 6:30PM EST. Link in IG BIO @stephanie.a.Wynn Grab My 🆓 8-Tips On How To Publish A Book Checklist To be a guest on the Let's Talk Business with Stephanie A. Wynn Podcast™️ @LETSTALKBUSINESSWITHSTEPHANIE.COM