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Sridhar G




📌Erodian I BELIEVE IN ME!! AND THAT IS ENOUGH!!😎❤ 💓if my dreams come true I will be the king she will be my queen💓 “I dO nOt eXist tO imPrEes tHe wOrld. I eXist tO liVe mY liFe in a wAy thAt will maKe me HAPPY. 😎 ♠️Pain is temporary but the pride is permanent ♠️ -W€l¢om€ t♂ m¥ wo®ld🌍 -😘fírѕt cruѕh mч mσm… -W●₹k h@rd🔨 -$¡πgl€ ✌ -Z¡dd¡ b●¥ 😎 -🎧muѕíc αddíctєd… -👍Live📿Laugh😊LoVe… Take a risk, Take a chance, Make a Change🎊🎊