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Sraddha J.




I AM 🌺 The Eternal. Heart β™₯️ Unity Consciousness Integral Yogini Love β€’ YOUR β€’ Nest ~ forever exploring and unravelling the power of Love * the Absolute * Truth EMPATH x DEVOTEE Shakti path Kundalini Kriya Initiate also Practising Energy medicine Intuit β€’ Medium β€’ Clair Embedded IN Oneness through Multidimensionality β€’ in Divine Service β€’ Run a house called Divine through sound silence and symbol on Tuesdays - All loving beings welcomed πŸ™πŸ»πŸ‘ΌπŸ» I Encourage self-learning of all kinds especially of healing modalities, you may direct your Qs one's happy to help getchyu started or flowing :) Always learning Always Growing 🌻