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Lorna Munro




As a Freque of Nature loving being part of the Wellness Revolution sweeping the Globe! πŸ’– # Award winning Author of Living in 3D, Drink, Drugs & Denial. Sharing my experience so you may have hope! πŸ’– # Gene Keys Guide 🧬 πŸ”‘ The Golden Path to your highest potential πŸ’–# The Golden Door FoundationπŸšͺ Awards Ambassador πŸ’– # Soul Coaching 🌟 The light within was ignited 22+ years ago by embarking with a 12 step program 🌟 These steps led me to clear corrupted mind fog & The Golden Path of the Gene Keys found me. 🌟 I wrote and published my journey while travelling this path which led me to The Golden Door Foundation as a Truth & Integrity Writer, Speaker & Creator, a Champion for Change & my motto is simply to β€˜Get Up! Show up & See what happens!’ 🌟 I hope to meet fellow spirits travelling their own path and hang out with a cup of tea 🍡 share stories & occasionally Guide, 🌟 We are Family! The YOUmin family! β­οΈπŸ’«πŸŽ‰πŸ₯°πŸ™ŒπŸ’–