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Virginia Scheuer




Soulpreneur Software💗 Soulpreneur = An entrepreneur who aligns their values and passion to build their business. Download the Soulpreneurs App and meditate 🧘🏽‍♀️ with us. It’s Free. @daveleobaker is our in-house musician and curates some amazing music for us!! New CRM, Website Design, Social App - ⚡️New✨ Soul Software™️ - compare to Kajabi and Click Funnels. More abundant and more streamlined for the soulpreneur. Virginia Multi-passionate🎉 Education Certified Secondary Educator (10 yrs) MFA in acting (feels like a lifetime ago) Former Wholistic Licensed Massage Therapist Certified in Success coaching by the Arkansas board of education Certified Health Coach Marketing Impact Academy ( Chalene Johnson ) Spirit Junkie (Gabby Bernstein) B School ( Marie Forleo ) List Builders Society ( Amy Porterfield ) The Super Charged, The New Way Live, and The Field ( Peta Kelly ) Favorite Books 📚 Meet Your Soul (Elisa Romeo ) A Tribe Called Bliss ( Lori Harder ) The Big Leap (Gay Henricks) Super Attractor (Gabby Bernstein) Spent a decade teaching secondary and post secondary education, and now have taken my love for teaching online to help heart-driven professionals lead the way with their zone of genius. Founder of Soulpreneurs Association which is on track to be the first that is solely dedicated to entrepreneurs that are heart-centered with their mission.