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HTX🏡 9♣️ ♉️Taurus🌞♏️Scorpio🌕♌️Leo⤴️ The Heirophant 🧙🏾‍♂️ Life Path 8 (35/8) Seer 🔮 Intuitive/Tarot/Water Scryer/Bone Reader Rootworker🌿/Conjurer/Lunar Magus🌔 Usui Reiki Master 👐🏾💆🏾‍♀️💆🏾‍♂️ Crystal 💎/Plant Dad 🪴 Omo Esu 🗝 & Osun 🍯 Multi-Clair Divine Balance ⚖️ 🧿🧿🧿🧿🧿🧿🧿 Host of Soul Stirring Sounds & 4ThaLuvrs on Stationhead Vibe Selector for CuratedSouf Specialize in cleansing and protection Working with the Ancestors intuitively Tarot/Oracle Dream interpretations Immersive Meditation Guide Distance Reiki Cashapp: $Soulbrothajay