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Soulaani Princess




You can’t have me. 🇺🇸SOULAAN, AA, FBA ADOS UNITY🇺🇸 👩🏽‍💻Black American Software Developer What is Soulaan? Soulaan Is a ethnic term instead of AA for American Freedmen, It’s also used for Someone who heavily preserves Freedmen culture and Heritage. Black Americans in Tech, I am here to talk about Black American Politics 🇺🇸 and Soulaan Culture ✊🏾✊🏿✊🏽and more importantly I am here to advocate for Black American Policy. I don’t believe all of our answers are on the Republican side nor the Democratic side, I believe with compromise us going Independent is the ultimate answer. My favorite topics are: Tech, Politics, Wealth building, Common Ground, and Black Upliftment and positivity. We are all striving for a common goal