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Sonam Mahajan




Creator of Club 🏚: MENTAL HEALTH INDIA <Mental health professionals who’d like to run rooms under the Mental Health India Club please contact me> 🎓IMTA Mindfulness Teacher, CMT-P 🎓Diploma Nalanda Buddhism 🎓ACC, ICF Life Coach 🎓CTRT Coach, William Glasser Institute 🎓Emergenetics Associate S.E. Asia 🎓MSc. Sustainable Development, HEC Paris, France 🎓B.A. Honours Economics, Delhi University, India 🤱🏻Millennial mother of two 🎸Bassist, classical guitarist 🎧Podcast host & YouTube: Yellow Door Talks 📍India, Chile, France & now Singapore 👩🏻‍💻In my 3️⃣rd career; Ex. UNEP, DM on Instagram @yellowdoortalks