Solair Nougaisse
🧢Founder and CEO of “Unique&Equipped” 🛒shop: 🚨 Unique and Equipped implies a strong commitment to self, an unwavering determination to find your best self and live it out daily. It is also a personal choice to consistently dig into your own acres of diamonds to find hidden treasures. Lastly, it’s the refusal to ever believe there is anyone out there better than you. No matter their names, titles, looks, fame, accomplishments, or their position in the political spectrum or society as a whole, they will all fail miserably at performing one ☝️ SINGLE task, “being YOU”. Because that is your exclusive, and uninfringeable RIGHT. Be glad 😀 to be YOU, for there, lies your POWER🚨 ~Author ✍️ of “Destined to fail?” Available on Amazon, iBooks, and Kindle ~speaker 🎙 . “Being a leader is not an honorific, glorifying title, it’s an assignment to an unsolved puzzle”. 🚨 Devoted to help and serve my community