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Sohyun Park




🎼 피아노치는 배우🎬 ||•Actress who plays piano and sing •|| Represented by: Mark Summer’s Agency ———————————————— ✳️배우 연습방 카카오톡 오픈채팅 ‘클하 배우 연습방’ -> 참여코드 0315 매주 월,수 저녁 9시 오픈😊 가끔 비정기적 방 만들때 있음 :) ———————————————— MINDSET: No action, No outcome| Experimenting my limit | Focus | Perceive👉🏻Apply ———————————————— Born🇰🇷 Raised🇬🇧 😻 Cat lover| 🐶Dog lover| Healthy diet Currently working as a 👉🏻piano teacher (Also do online teaching) 👉🏻An actress🎬🎭 👉🏻Youtuber (Becoming Sohyun) 🗣hobby 🎼Music •선화예중 Sunhwa Art School🎹 •Yehudi Menuhin School Graduate 🎹 •Performance in Wigmore Hall in London •Performance in Royal Festival Hall (Choir) •Graduated at Royal College of Music 🎹 🎬Actress •Korean dramas image extra •Theatre ‘Our Town’ in Korea🎭 •Got roles in 2 films and Pokemon commercial in 2021 so far 🦊엑스 파이어폭스 하루에 하나만 집중해도 그 날은 성공
