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Stephanie Deese




📈Analyzing Behavior! 🧠 All things Psychology! 📊 Show me the DATA 📉 👩🏽‍🏫 BCBA Clinician, MS 👩‍👦Mom 🇵🇷 ❤️🖤💚Mixed Woman 💬 Habló Español ♏️ November Scorpio 📸 Photography (Novice) 🥘 Foodie Facilitator | Co-moderator | Keynote speaker ⭐️ Idea Interests: 💡mental health behavior 💡community based behavior 💡behavior within equity and inclusivity 💡organizational behavior management 💡stocks & options for beginners 💡real estate for beginners 💡race relations 💡researching lineages and genealogy (GEDmatch: GA6002390) 💡women empowerment 💡gardening 💡anything and everything travel 💡anything and everything of the diaspora 💡parenting | motherhood | single parent 🔮Future Endeavors: Private Practice, Contracted, Non-Profit(s)