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Ali Naghedinia




My Top 5 Values : 🗽Freedom, 🔗🔃Connection, ☑️Honesty, ⚕️Health, 🏞️Nature 🕵Investor | 👨‍💼Entrepreneur | Life coach | Estp | Initiative | Podcaster(MTechPodcast) 📍Roma🇮🇹 From🇮🇷 Dm me on Instagram to connect if you are interested in these fields : -👷‍♂️Transportation engineering student at Sapienza university of Rome -Passionate about social skills and connecting to positive and likeminded people 📡📞 Negotiation skills Content making Short Film making 👩 Women rights 💪Self development 📈Personal growth 🤣Happiness 😁Cannabis Fasting☕🍵j🚰 Sleeping💤 🇮🇹Learning Italian language 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿Improving my English language 🥗🍖Keto lifestyle 🍗 🍄Psychedelics Politics👨‍⚖️ My Habits: 📚Reading at least one page book everyday (How to win friends and influence people , Nonviolent Communication, Think and grow Rich) 🚶‍♂️Walking at least 5 days a week 🎧Listening to podcasts everyday 😍😭😁Monitoring my emotions 🙏Appreciation for what I have 😅Washing dishes My mentors: @smilingerik , @tailopez Erik Bergman, Tai Lopez, Kevin Trudeau [email protected] Chelsea