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Dr. Smile (Roz KW)




I encourage the kingdom encouragers and help them do what they do best, better🔥🔥🔥 ✳️ I Am A Dope Moderator🖤 I assist, empower, enlighten, and elevate others who are stuck to resuscitate their dreams, visions and goals🤩 I Am an advocate for Asking, Seeking, and Knocking to help define purpose, passion and calling🎁 I Am the Chief Smile Officer of Roz Knighten-Warfield, Enterprises and 🛑 Stop It & S.M.I.L.E. which is an acronym for Simply Make Intentional Love ❤️ Encounters with self first! 3️⃣Clubhouses: Trucking Gods’Way 🚛🚚 S.M.I.L.E Genius CH 😆 Raw, Real, Relevant Conversations with MILLENIALs Thru the Generations 🗣🧩 Encounters, starting with yourself first🙋🏾‍♀️ order today: 👉🏾 🥁Drum roll, My latest penned work is an anthology “No More Residue” you can order your today:👇🏾👇🏾👇🏾👇🏾👇🏾👇🏾👇🏾👇🏾👇🏾👇🏾 ******My I Am’s & Loves****** 🙏🏾I Am a Jesus G.U.R.L.™️ 🏆I Am an Author, Direct Service Speaker, Consultant, TSHIRT Designer 🗣I Am Your Voice Over Expert 💲I Am Your S.M.I.L.E. Monetizer 🇨🇱 I Am a transplant of Texas ✖️I Am a Future Tedx Speaker, I’ll keep y’all posted 📚 I Am an Amazon Best Selling Author of multiple books 🌹I Am an advocate for 📝Anthology or First Time Book Consultant ✏️Wordsmith and Acronyms 📓I Love to Journal ⚔️I Love the Word of God ✈️ I Love to Travel by plane or trucking with hubby 👤 👩‍❤️‍👨I love Family 🍷 A Moscato Chic 🗣My Favorite God Name is Jehovah Chayil for worship, wisdom, wealth, virtue, honor, power, glory, influence and an army rising 🚀 💰 App 💝: $rozknighten 💃🏿 *******Other Info******* Forth Coming