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slavica bogdanov




🏨Condo-hotel developments 🎥 Film Producer 🚀NFT 🎮Games 🪐Metaverse 🙅‍♂️Nonprofit 🏆Business Strategist Buy a golden movie ticket and earn passive income 🚀 Soccer NFT win $250,000 Help Abuse Survivors at About me: Film Producer. Hotel developper🚀 Startup Advisor📈 Blue Ocean Guru. NFT passionate. Featured in Forbes, Nasdaq, Psychology. 42 Published books. WHAT I DO : I help startups grow over 40% in revenue by finding your blue ocean. I help SMB firms scale and exit. I can source funding. I do that by leveraging close to 2 decades of business development in startups, SMB and fortune 500 companies with a average growth rate of 40% in 6 months. My WHY: The need to empower as many people as possible to their full potential to live life with purpose. I am driven by my vision of rebuilding destroyed monasteries in Kosovo and empower a million children by given them access to education. OTHER PASSIONS: Creating transformational feature films Building a one-of-a-kind entertainment hotel franchise Reading (one book a week at least) The ocean and the safety of animals Helping broken children know they can heal