Are your friends & blended family wishing they had less stress, more money, and more fun with each other? We are all diverse experts. Our 60-minute online2local “Everyone Counts Game Show” engages & empowers collaboration & innovation while improving helpful communication within homes, worksites, courtrooms & communities. Fun improves our brain function & builds quality human connections & communities. If you don’t have enough time, interest, or energy to find the BeeAttitudes & MEServices survey in my Linktree bio, no problem…we are not a good match. My hobbies include hiking, nature, the arts & functional arts like building, cooking, textiles, collaboration & innovation, and exploring the world…using all forms of transporation while completing projects & co-hosting events. I delight in finding my present living ancestral relatives from the spots where my DNA says we bred with the locals and fought the intruders. Because I was a school nurse, I declared that stream of retirement income would allow me to rent a plane once a month & fly for one hour. Instead, I can fly most any Virtual Enterprise Event Center. Now I rent a Zoom Enterprise so I can “beam up” 500 other intelligent life forms that also enjoy interacting & learning with, and from, each other. The royalties from my intellectual properties, including the five versions of “The Everyone Counts Game Show” will give our Global GreenBiz WOMAN perpetual income for the worthy projects of those in the Wellbeing Oriented Mutual Aid Network. My vow to you & your elders is that we will come up with a new Medicare Supplement that is very easy to understand! It will connect you & your Inner Circle with links to the research & resources of options that promote & improve our individual & collective wellbeing. Because my father was paid to be both a Research Scientist & a university professor in his lifetime & served as an mission volunteer, known as a Concie in the Civilian Public Service system during World War 2, I also learned how to thrive to get our missions accomplished. I am based out of Kansas & I weave together fun & spin Humor 4 the Health of It! The Life & Times of Sister Sue include “The Unknown Story of Sister Sue, the Witch of Kansas East…how she gave her life & shoes so Dorothy could land in Oz & navigate safely to get back to the new Kansas”. You can engage with me via X-Twitter & IG, where my Linktree is rooted for now. I am the Founder & Funder of Wellness Weavers, Inc.