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Sisi Darwiish




ALWAYS PLACE YOURSELF FIRST AS SELF LOVE IS THE BEST KIND OF LOVE REMEMBER THAT!!!❤️❤️🇸🇴🇸🇴 Founder Of The Baraka Foundation Charity Organizer Residing 🇬🇧 Born 🇸🇴 Raised 🇳🇱 READ THE BIO ✌🏽 LOVE WHAT YOU LOVE FOR YOURSELF FOR OTHERS ❤️🤗🥰 HAA IGU MASHQUULIN 🙏🏽✌🏽 KHAQDARO 🛑 ANIGA MAA OGALII AFDABOOLAN WAA DAHAB 🍯 ONLY BRING POSITIVE VIBES ☺️🥳 I DO NOT CONSENT BEING RECORDED IN ANY ROOM 🎙🎥📹 FIRST☝🏽FOREMOST& NO LUUQ SECOND✌🏽NO BUUQ THIRD RESPECT IS EARNED NOT GIVEN The Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) said: "Even a smile is charity." Giving charity is the proof of faith, as those who are close to God are always seeking his love through giving. The messenger of Allah (PBUH) said:“Sadaqah is a proof.” “A single act of act of kindness throws roots in all directions, and the roots spring up and make new trees.” -Amelia Earhart My Motto “Live as though today is your last day that’s when life truly becomes beautiful”. -Sisi Darwiish SNAP -👻 saleeka_x Please don’t ping me if it’s not about positivity ✌️ LinkedIn-THE BARAKA FOUNDATION EMAIL- [email protected] WhatApp WORK- NO CALLS IF IT IS NOT RELATING THE FOUNDATION PLEASE : +4478******** CURRENTLY ON ANNUAL LEAVE PAYMENT METHODS: CASH APP: £Barakafoundation TWITTER & INSTAGRAM 👇🏽 👇🏽