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Chelsea Michelle




MI📍 - CEO of: @shebeadedllc (Handmade Beaded Jewelry) ☯️📿 - Podcaster @authentically.uspodcast - Travel Agent Here to Listen, Learn, Interact, Collaborate & Network. • I Am A Divine Substance; Goddess ✨ • Libra ☀️ Virgo 🌙 Scorpio ⬆️ 9 ♣️ • LLMSW (Social Worker) | φθK 🎓 • Sickle Cell Warrior/Advocate ❤️ • EMU & U of M Alumna 👩🏽‍🎓 • Student of Astrology 📚 • Traveler ✈️ My Mission: Aiming to empower/mentor underserved young women to achieve emotional and economic self-sufficiency as they begin their college or career journeys.
